
Facebook Ads

Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook Lead Ads is a new type of advertising opportunity being offered by Facebook in addition to Post Boosts and Normal Ads.

If you have ever used Google Adwords you will be aware of, or familiar with, the potential benefits of Remarketing.  That is following up on potential clients who clicked on an advert but did not follow through with a purchase, sign-up or other action. A new advert appears everywhere the potential client goes on the internet creating the impression that your business is everywhere and highly visible.

Pixel App

Facebook has taken this opportunity one step further using their Pixel App as a means of tracking anyone who has visited your website who also has a profile on Facebook.

Pixel is an App that can easily be added to all the pages on your website.  If your website is a WordPress site there are several plugins which enable this with ease. Once added and properly set up, Pixel logs every visitor to your website and retains the information to be used in conjunction with Lead Ads.

Pixel does not work backwards so can only record information from the date it is installed on your website. So if you don’t have pixel integrated on your site, now might be a good time to do so. Ensure that it is configured correctly to record site visitors. Facebook provide a helpful tutorial or I can set this up for you very easily

Although there are many options using this App the simplest is using it to collect contact information, names, email addresses, and possibly phone numbers, from those who respond to the ad. Facebook already has much of that information and will present a semi-completed form making it even easier for a client to subscribe.

You chose the time period during which the prospective target had visited your website.  The default is 30 days but you can select from 7 to 120 days. Some tests have indicated that a 7 to 14 day period brings a better response. The target viewer is more likely to remember having visited your website.

Creating The Lead Ad

This is fairly straightforward as there are limited options. Just chose your ad headline, description, Call To Action button, photo or video and form fields.

Having formulated your advert Facebook will recommend integrating Leads Ads with your email marketing platform. This could be any of the well known email marketing companies, MailChimp, Constant Contact etc. but to do so automatically will involve setting up a premium account with Zapier. If you do not want to incur this additional cost you will be able to download the results in a CSV file. You can then upload the list of subscribers to your email marketing platform.

I recommend you set up a new list for leads generated as these are “hot” leads where the client is effectively telling you he or she wants to hear from you now. Later they can be added to your normal mailing list or newsletter mail out. Alternatively, you could include them in a custom group/tag/segment if your email system allows. You can then easily respond to each inquiry.  This may well be preferable to setting up an automated or welcome email sequence.

How to Win Over your new Potential Clients

To a great extent this will depend on what type of business you are in and the style of your website.  If you are in a very defined market, with a single product or service, it will be relatively easy to follow up by email or by phone. You can simply thank the person for responding and either provide some information or ask what help you can provide related to their needs.

If your business offers a variety of products or services you will again need to thank them for their response. Then ask which service or product they are interested in so that you can follow up with more detailed information.


Costs will vary depending on a number of factors including your market, the number of visitors to your website and your product or service.  If a “sale” is high value than the ROI can be large.

As with any campaign some “A” “B” testing of ad formats is recommended as is detailed monitoring of results. With Facebook, there is always an option to stop an advert at any time. So if the results are not what you were expecting you can easily pause an ad in order to re-assess the design and try an alternative.

One thing is certain, Facebook is by and large much less expensive than a Google Adwords and Re-marketing campaign.


If you would like to try Facebook Lead Ads out but are dissuaded by the technicalities I am here to help. I can set up a campaign for you with full monitoring and even lead follow up if required.

You can use the contact form below indicating Facebook Ads.

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