
WordPress Website Course

Before we start on this WordPress Website journey a brief explanation of what WordPress really is and why we are offering this course.

So, what is WordPress? At its core, WordPress is probably the simplest and most popular way for anyone to create a website or blog. Currently, WordPress powers over 43% of all the websites on the Internet. Ye, that means that more than one in four websites that you visit may well be powered by WordPress.

On a more technical level, WordPress is a free open-source content management system licensed under GPLv2, which means that anyone can download and use or modify the WordPress software absolutely free!

A content management system is best described as a tool, or software, that makes it easy to manage important aspects of your website – like content – without needing to know anything about code, or programming.

As a result WordPress makes building a website possible for anyone. You don’t need to be a software developer or have any understanding about how PHP, CSS, Javascript, or any other code works in order to create a professional-looking website for yourself or your business.

Of course, to create a website and make use of the opportunities offered by WordPress there are other factors to consider.

You will need a name for your new site, referred to as a Domain or URL, and you need to know where to acquire this and perhaps some help in deciding what this should be.  You will also need “hosting” for your site so that it appears on the World Wide Web for everyone to see. More about that later.

You might also come across references to WordPress.org and WordPress.com and wonder what is the difference and which is best for you.  We will talk more about that when we look at hosting options.

It’s Easy To Find WordPress Help

Because WordPress is so popular, it’s fairly easy to find help if you run into a problem. There are loads of…

  • Blogs
  • Tutorials
  • Forums
  • Facebook Groups
  • YouTube Videos
  • Developers like us at RepDomWebs

…that you can turn to for free and paid help if needed. However, sometimes finding the answer to a specific question or problem amongst the vast quantity of information can be quite difficult and take some time.

The object of this course is to take you by the hand from the very start of your journey and guide you through the steps needed to set up and design your website.

The very first and important step is deciding on the name for your site and that is the topic of our next chapter.


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