Why WordPress

WordPress Websites by RepDomWebs

At RepDomWebs we seriously recommend our clients consider having their new website designed using WordPress as the core basis for the design. Although we can, and do use other platforms, for example, Joomla, Squarespace, and Shopify for e-commerce as an alternative to WooCommerce, we recommend WordPress for a number of reasons, some of which are outlined below.

At this moment, in 2020, WordPress is being used by over 455 million websites worldwide. That means that the WordPress market share is 35% of all websites in the world! Over 40% of the World Wide Web.

This includes some of the largest multinational companies, so although we sometimes hear comments such as “Well it’s only a WordPress website” these tend to be from those who really do not understand website design or the platform and how versatile it is.

Here are 7 very good reasons for using WordPress:-

      1. It’s Free. Not only is the CMS platform free but there are also a huge range of free Themes available to provide a framework on which to build your site. Many have been created with specific businesses in mind so provide a design that can be easily adapted to meet your specifications.  In addition, there are also thousands of Premium Themes which for a few dollars can provide a more specialized framework on which to work.
        One argument we do hear for not using WordPress is that if I buy or use a particular Theme my site will look like every other site using that format.  Nothing could be farther from reality.  Themes come with many different options offering unique layouts and design options so that they can be tailored to reflect the corporate image you want to project.  A good WordPress designer will ensure your site is exactly what you want in terms of design and user experience.Page builders are also available to help with site design and layout.  Some are included free with a purchased or free theme. Some can be downloaded as a plugin with both a free and Pro option.  We currently recommend Elementor and use both free and pro versions in design.  If you are looking for a page builder for your next project you can find all the details you will need on the Elementor Website which also includes hosting in a package.
      2. It’s Easy to Use and Maintain. Many clients do not want to be obligated to involve their website designer every time they need to update their website content or add an additional feature.WordPress is not that complicated to maintain, update and edit so for clients who prefer to look after their own site we offer a one-off training program as well as built-in updating options to make it as easy and cost-effective as possible for our clients. This does not mean we design a site and walk away! Far from it.  Our past clients know we are always available to assist with the integration of new features or to update and maintain their sites if they prefer or require this service. We do offer a very reasonable monthly contact for maintenance and upkeep.
        1. Plugins enable a lot of functionality. If the WordPress core and chosen Theme do not provide all the functions you need there is almost certainly a plugin that can be used to provide this.  The advances in e-commerce have seen a growing number of sites using WooCommerce or incorporating Shopify into WordPress websites. In fact, it is almost a joke that anytime a client asks about a specific feature the response is “Ah! There’s a plugin for that”.  Additionally, for aesthetics, we can edit the .php, css, or html if needed so that the final “Front-end” view that a site visitor will see is exactly what is requested by the site owner.
        2. It’s SEO Friendly. The “core” code of WordPress has been developed and refined over many years to be SEO friendly and meet the standards of WC3. The same standards apply to Themes and plugins in order for them to work with WordPress Core. In essence, this means that a WordPress website is properly coded to be easily read by search engine spiders and indexed.
          In addition, We automatically include a specific plugin to improve the site SEO and incorporate keywords and metas all the pages, posts, and images included in the site to encourage rapid accurate indexation by Search Engines.  This includes the preparation of a site map. We also always recommend the inclusion of Google Analytics so that you can monitor the performance of your website from day one and set-up Google Console with linkage to Analytics.
        3. It’s very Secure.  You might be concerned that as the code for WordPress is Open Source it might be vulnerable to being attacked or hacked. However, the developers and those involved in open source programming are constantly looking for any potential risks and these are very quickly patched with security updates. We also build in automatic updating for security updates to ensure your site is fully protected as well as a further security plugin to protect from other hacking risks.
        4. It’s Mobile Responsive. To get a good ranking with search engines your site must be mobile-friendly which means a responsive framework and theme.  We will always ensure your website is fully responsive and appears properly on desktop, tablets, and mobile phones.  If you have an older website, which is not currently responsive we can also update your site to meet the new specifications and standards.
        5. It’s Flexible. WordPress can be utilized for any type of website from a simple blog to a fully customized commercial website with online sales, credit cards, or PayPal payment facilities and bitcoin.  Whatever your business or requirements for having a website WordPress and RepDomWebs can create a site matching your vision.

On our projects page, you will find a summary of a few websites we have designed or been involved in designing and maintaining. Clicking on the image will take you to the website so you can see many of the options WordPress offers as a design platform.

Existing Websites.

In addition to designing new websites, we also work on existing sites to upgrade or modernize older sites that no longer meet current standards.  This can be particularly important if your site is not “mobile-friendly” as Google is giving preference to sites that display correctly on smartphones and tablets.  If your website does not meet the criteria it may well never appear in searches made on mobile devices.

I will also work on websites that have been hacked with a view to resolving the problem as quickly as possible and installing protection to block further intrusion.


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