
Your WordPress Website (The Easy Way To Learn)

Ok, we have covered most of the set up so now we need to get to grips with the installation and preparation of WordPress and how to use it to design a website.

Reading all this (and writing it if I am honest) is pretty boring and probably not the best way to learn.  A far better method is to be able to follow a video with someone showing you on screen exactly how to do everything necessary to set up your own WordPress website.

Well, I am happy to say this is now available from Freecodecamp.org. They have released an updated 1.5-hour video showing exactly how to do this in a friendly and down-to-earth manner.  The opening follows the same pattern as the first few courses already here that you may have followed. That is getting a Domain and Hosting set up and they have recommended the same providers.

So, if you are ready to move on – Click the link below and all will be revealed.


Or go directly to Youtube:

And do please let me know how you get on. If you need any help I am always available.

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