If you did read my previous article about WordPress this is a follow-up as a result of some feedback. If you didn’t the article, Why WordPress is Probably Your Best Website Option can be found at this link.
I am first of all very grateful to Amos from wpclipboard.com who very kindly commented on the article and provided an updated link to the infographic I had included. The newer version is included here WordPress Statistics (The Complete Picture).
It is well worth reading and certainly supports my opinion as to the advantages of considering WordPress as the client management system for a large number of websites. But more on that below.
I am also grateful to Maria Pike from https://www.broadbandsearch.net who kindly sent me a link to their blog referencing the number of WordPress websites on the net as well as a wider and very interesting set of statistical data covering many aspects of the internet. One point that caught my eye was that it seems that mobile access has peaked at around 50%, but, apparently, e-commerce on mobile is growing rapidly so sites in this market need to be very mobile-friendly.
You can find all the interesting data here https://www.broadbandsearch.net/blog/internet-statistics
Other Options to WordPress
There have also been comments made that WordPress is not always the most appropriate platform, a view I do accept and agree with.
As WordPress has evolved over the years it has become far more technical and, as a result, daunting to a new user. It is no longer the “build a website in 30 minutes” it once was. Just learning how the Dashboard works and what all the various options in Settings and Permalinks needs some knowledge of basic web infrastructure.
On that basis, first attempts at a website might be better using web-builders such as SquareSpace or Wix where everything is “drag and drop” and the instructions are very basic and easy to follow.
Another alternative to WordPress is Joomla, which again does really need some level of expertise to use. Having built sites in Joomla, not by choice but at the request of clients, my personal opinion is that Joomla is a good deal more complex to use and the CMS is much more complicated to understand. It also does not produce a better front-end product than WordPress so given the option, I would always choose WordPress.
WordPress v Python?
At the other end of the spectrum, it does need to be said that WordPress does have some limitations. If your website is for a specific purpose and needs a more robust code base then you might well need to look at Python for code rather than PHP which is the base code for WordPress. If your site is going to be like Lyft or Uber, Pinterest or Instagram, Reddit or Dropbox, or a Spotify or Netflix clone you should really look to Python and not WordPress.
I will, however, add a rider to this. If you are a “Start-up” looking to carry out a feasibility test or proof of concept it can be a lot quicker, not to mention less expensive, to make use of WordPress site, building out the full site once the product or service has proved its potential. In addition to saving initial costs, the concept site will have opened up ideas and new additions not originally considered, which can then be incorporated into the final site build from the outset. Again saving time and cost when the required framework is better understood at conception.
Plugins and Themes
One other point worth mentioning is this. With WordPress, you can build almost anything but there may well be limitations and it may not finally do everything you want. Remember that the developer, who has spent a lot of time coding a plugin or theme, is not doing so just for you, but to offer a product that he hopes a lot of people will want to buy and use. It is something designed for the mass market not for just how you want it to work, or look.
If you want to get the best result, be absolutely sure you know what you want your website to do and how it should look before you buy a theme or plugin. There will be many different designs that on the face of it will look almost the same, but you can be sure each will differ in options and features. Some developers can offer personalization at additional costs, others don’t.
In most cases, developers offer pre-purchase Q & A’s so that is an opportunity to ask if the theme you are considering purchasing will provide the ability to offer the facilities or features you want. Many themes, also offer the opportunity to personalize some aspects with CSS and JavaScript but you, or your designer, need to know what they are doing. Plugins have little or no flexibility over design or features and as they also need to work inside a theme this can result in conflicts with the chosen theme or other plugins used in the design.
It is almost impossible at the moment not to mention the effect that Covid-19 is having throughout the world. Businesses closed, people confined to their homes, either working or simply temporarily laid off. But maybe this can be turned into opportunity!
It could be that you are aware your website is outdated and has needed some new features but you have been too busy to spend time working on it. Now you may have time to think about a new design or a completely new site. Or it could be you have an idea for a project you have never had time to work on or implement. Now might well be the time to use this enforced confinement to bring new ideas to life.
We can be sure that given time life will return to normal and businesses will reopen. Those who will recover quickest will be the ones who have used this time to plan ahead and be ready for new opportunities as they become available. Just make sure you are one of them and if you need some help just contact me here or on the chat!